During the Malayalam month of Vrischikam, under the Atham star, the temple comes alive with vibrant celebrations. Special poojas are led by the esteemed temple thanthri, Thiruvilwamala Mudakkal Mana Subrahmanyan Namboothiri, known for his deep spiritual knowledge and expertise. These rituals are meticulously performed to honor the deities and seek their blessings for prosperity and well-being.
Performing the Ganapathy Homam at the start of the year is believed to usher in prosperity, health, and wealth for the entire year. This sacred ritual invokes the blessings of Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and the harbinger of good fortune. By offering prayers and chanting mantras with devotion, devotees can cultivate a positive and harmonious environment. Additionally, incorporating the Ganapathy puja or sloka into your daily morning routine can enhance spiritual well-being, providing clarity and focus to navigate life’s challenges. Embrace these practices to invite success into your life.
The Sudarshana Fire Lab is a powerful ritual performed by Vedic specialists who understand its profound significance. This ceremony is conducted with great care to preserve its sanctity and effectiveness. During the ritual, sacred mantras and chants are recited with deep reverence, invoking the divine energies of Lord Sudarshana. The fire lab is believed to dispel negative energies, provide protection, and bring peace and prosperity to devotees. Participants often experience a sense of purification and spiritual renewal, as the ritual aligns their energies with the cosmic forces. Engaging in this sacred practice can lead to transformative blessings and spiritual growth.
Kshethra Ulsavam and Roopakalam Kumbha bharani is celebrated as the temple festival… Which is the birthdate of Ancient Temple priest sree ariyalli velayudhan poojari
Aarattu in Bharathapuzha Nila rivier beside to temple.. Roopakalam dharsanam are the main festival procedures.
Traditional temple art from are performed by renowned artists from various place of Kerala.
Large number participation of devotees will be there on the same day for getting the blessings of devathaas...
Kalarikkal Vishnumaya Chathan Temple in Kerala, founded by astrologer Kalarikkal Velayudhan, attracts devotees worldwide for blessings and prosperity.
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